Show Me The Money!
Am I the only one who really saw the movie Jerry McGuire?
That hit movie starring Tom Cruise had everyone repeating the famous line, "Show me the money!"
I didn't watch the movie for nearly one year after it was released because I thought it was all about greed. Since everyone who saw the movie smiled and repeated that one line --- "Show me the money! " --- as if it were some sort of national mantra, I wasn't interested.
But then one day Nerissa and I wanted to watch something on television. As luck would have it, Jerry McGuire was coming on the tube right about then. So we settled in to watch it.
I was amazed. The movie wasn't about greed at all. Yes, Jerry came from a money-hungry place, but he soon learned that that mindset wasn't going to work.
Greed was out.
Greed was a dead-end street.
Greed led to a poverty of spirit.
Instead, Jerry the sports agent learns about the power of passion. When he truly starts to care for his client, to look for and activate the heart in the one player he represents (who does the same for him), then and only then does he start to taste real success and start to experience real happiness.
Oh, there's no doubt the refrain "Show me the money!" is a catchy one. It's done so well in the movie, and said so often, and delivered with such upbeat emotion in the one unforgettable scene, that you can't help but remember it.
But that's not what the movie is about. Not to me. The movie is about show me your heart, not show me your money.
Giving is like that.
If you give because you want money, you are not giving but simply trading.
If you give because your heart sings to do so, then you are truly giving.
It's the difference between "Show me the money!" and "Show me your heart."
The universe responds to your heart, not your money. The money is just a symbol.
Give money from your heart.
When you do, very quickly and in the most surprising ways, the universe itself will then "Show you the money!"
But don't give to get. Don't give as a negotiation with the universe.
Give to give.
是不是只有我才真正看过电影《甜心先生》(或称《征服情海》,英文名称Jerry McGuire)?
那位热门影星 Tom Cruise 让所有的人都学会了这句著名的台词:“让我看看钱!”
直到有一天,Nerissa 和我在看电视的时候,碰巧 Jerry McGuire 出现在荧光屏上。于是我们也就顺便坐下看了一遍。
我很吃惊——这部电影不是在讲“贪婪”。不错,Jerry 来自一个渴望金钱的地方,但他很快认识到,“贪婪”这种思维状态是不对的。
Jerry, 这个体育经纪人,认识到了激情的力量。当他开始真正地去关心他的客户,去寻求和激活他所代理的那个唯一的运动员(这位运动员也同样以爱心回报)的时候,他才开始真正的品尝成功的滋味,体验真正的幸福。
译者附注:在布施之中,慈悲、博爱、仁恕之心是最重要的。但我希望说明的一点是:为了财富而布施,虽然并不是最为有效的获得财富的方式,但也不是一种无效的作为,只是“效率不高”而已 —— 财富的布施必将导致更多的财富的获得,这是铁的定律。佛经上说:财布施者得财富,法布施者得智慧,无畏布施者得寿命。
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