如何判断你是否会富有( How To Tell If You Will Be Rich ) |
因为你们的支持,让我们的弘法事业走的更远 |
How To Tell If You Will Be RichDo you want to know if you will ever be wealthy? There's a simple way to find out. Just answer this question: Do you give freely, regularly, generously, with no expectation of return and with a joyous heart?If your answer is yes, you are probably already wealthy. If you have a no on any part of the question, then take a look at that, release it, and begin to give freely, regularly, generously, with no expectation of return and with a joyous heart. The path is clear. Giving is the way.
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十方众生,佛要救你!亿亿修行,罕一得道!唯依念佛,得度生死! |